Muscles of the Gluteal Region

Mag 10, 2022 | Group

They are muscles located on different layers:
  • In the most superficial plane lays the Gluteus Maximus, the most voluminous;
  • more profoundly the Gluteus Medius, only partially covered by the previous one. 
  • Below it, in the deep layer, the Gluteus Minimus, the extra pelvic part of the Piriformis and the Obturator Internus, the Obturator externus, the Gemellus Superior, the Gemellus Inferior and the Quadratus Femoris.

Similarly to what happens to the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the Piriformis, obturators, gemelli and Quadratus Femoris play an important role in stabilizing the coxo-femoral joint.

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