Acu point

BL 36 (Chinese name: chengfu )

How to find Locate the midpoint of the popliteal crease (in obese patients, use bony/muscular structures to find the midpoint). BL-36 is located directly vertically above the midpoint of the...

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BL 35 (Chinese name: huiyang)

How to find Locate the coccyx superior to the anus. In contrast to the sacrum, the coccyx is movable. BL-35 is located 0.5 cun lateral to the midline on the level of the tip of the coccyx. GV 02...

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BL 34 (Chinese name: xialiao )

How to find First, locate L5. The next palpable structure in an inferior direction is the most superior sacral spinous process. Palpate in a lateral direction on the level of the sacral processes...

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BL 32 (Chinese name: ciliao )

How to find First, locate L5. The next palpable structure in an inferior direction is the most superior sacral spinous process. Palpate in a lateral direction on the level of the sacral processes...

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BL 23 (Chinese name: Shenshu )

How to find For orientation in the lumbar region, first, determine the Tuffier’s line (a line connecting the highest points of the iliac crests), which in most cases intersects with the spinous...

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BL 21 (Chinese name: weishu )

How to find In a seated position with the arms hanging down, the spinous process of T7 is approximately on the level of the inferior angle of the scapula. From there, count down five spinous...

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