Adductor Brevis

Nov 21, 2021 | Muscle


Outer surface of inferior branch of pubis.


From below lesser trochanter to linea aspera and into proximal part of linea aspera.


Adducts thigh, assists in flexion, medial rotation.


Obturator nerve (L2–L4).


The rotational component of thigh muscle action depends on the starting position of the hip joint:

  • The Pectineus, Adductor Longus, adductor brevis, and Psoas Major major probably assist in medial rotation when the thigh is in anatomical position but may shift to assisting in lateral rotation as the thigh flexes and abducts.
  • The Iliacus and adductor tubercle part of Adductor Magnus probably assist in medial rotation throughout the range of motion of the hip joint
  • The linea aspera part of the Adductor Magnus may be a slight lateral rotator.

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