Article: A Holographic Model with Adam Lehman

Jun 8, 2022 | Reference

By Alexis Costello (Winter 2018 Issue: A Holographic Model) AC: Why don’t you explain quickly how holograms are actually created?

AL: Before I do that, I’d like to preface it with something. The holographic model is based on the concept of the holographic universe, and from a kinesiology perspective, Richard D. Utt, L.Ac who was the founder of Applied Physiology (which I have spent the last 20+ years being an instructor of), he’s the person who really brought that model into kinesiology in a way that nobody else did, though now many borrow that concept.
We live in a 3-dimensional universe; we see in 3D, we hear in 3D and yet, most of the work we do seems to be a little more 2-dimensional in nature. A holographic model allows us to work in a way that is more consistent with the universe we live in.
Holograms didn’t exist until lasers were invented. A laser is simply coherent light, meaning that it’s very well organized and that’s what allows a laser beam to go such long distances while maintaining such a tight focus. And what was discovered was that by taking a laser beam, splitting it into two, and one of those beams going to a particular object that you want to take a holographic picture of, bouncing off it and going to the film, and the other beam goes directly to the plate that is the holographic film, they then collide there. And that collision is called an interference pattern. If you look at an interference pattern in normal light, it looks like the surface of the moon, just a greyish swirling pattern. If you want to visualize an interference pattern, imagine sitting by a pond on a calm day. You toss a pebble into the middle of the pond and there is that nice ring that comes out, and it keeps going and going and going until it hits the shore. But if you take a handful of pebbles and you toss them out, they all go to different locations and they all start creating their own rings. Then the rings start colliding with each other and creating different, more complex wave patterns. And that’s what happens when these two beams collide. Then when you take that plate and you shine a laser beam on it again, up pops this three dimensional representation of the image that you took the picture of. And you can walk around it and see it from all sides, which is very different than a photograph that you just see from one end. If you turn it around, you’re just looking at a blank piece of paper. You get a lot more detail and richness from a hologram then from a normal photograph.
The key aspect of that is that you are dealing with these two beams colliding; that’s what forms the 3D picture and it’s very similar to how we see. It is the combination of information from both eyes that allows us to see depth. So, it’s all about relationships.

AC: Well isn’t everything really?

AL: That’s exactly it! That’s the nature of the holographic universe we live in because that’s what it’s all about; we can only perceive things because we are in relationship to them. Everything is in relation to everything else and that’s what is required to have the existence that we perceive.

AC: So how does this phenomena that you just described, of being able to use these two focused beams of energy in order to create something different and 3D; how does that apply to the TFH model, or to SK in general?

AL: Well what Richard Utt figured out is that in “normal” (laughing) TFH, or any number of other kinesiologies, you find one piece of information (like in TFH, you test a muscle and it goes off), you rub a point and test it again to see if it made a change. If it did, you go on to the next muscle and you go in this one-by-one scenario – and that’s kind of a 2D approach. The genius of what Richard put together is he used the idea of how to make a hologram and turned it into a way of actually assessing the imbalances in the body. The difference there is; you never work on just a single meridian. You are always working on a relationship between two meridians. So we use the alarm points to find the initial meridian called the object meridian, which is equivalent to the beam that is going to the object you are taking the picture of. Then you look for a reference meridian, which is in relation to that object meridian, similar to that second beam going to the plate and colliding there and that collision represents massive amounts of information. And so looking at that relationship we are creating a 3D construct; then when we do our balancing, we balance that relationship.
So what? What’s the big deal about that? Well it is a big deal because for one thing, a hologram has massive amounts more data than a photograph. But not only is there more data, there’s another intriguing property about that. If I take a normal photograph and I cut it in half, now I have two halves, one with one person, one with the other person. And if I keep cutting it, eventually I’ll have no idea who these people are anymore. If I take a holographic plate, I can cut it into as many pieces as I want, and if I take a little piece of that and shine the laser on it, I still get the whole picture. It might be a little fuzzy, but it’s all there. Every piece contains the whole.
So when I’m balancing somebody and I’m looking at the relationship between the meridians I’m getting a lot more information and when I balance that, not only am I working with that relationship, but because it still contains the whole, I’m also balancing the big picture.
Let’s say we are balancing the Stomach. Well, the stomach is a major organ, it does a lot of different stuff and has various anatomic and physiological aspects to it, it has a meridian that has 45 points on it, it has several muscles associated with it that have full ranges of motion – it’s a very broad, undefined picture. When I find a reference meridian related to that; let’s say Gallbladder, now I have a completely new data set to work off of. For instance, I can think about how the two work together for digestion (watch the interview on YouTube to get the details of this!). Knowing this, I can turn around and ask somebody “How do you feel after you eat fatty foods?” And they go, “Not so great. How did you know that?!” It gives the extra depth of information that allows me to ask those kinds of questions and consider the type of the imbalance within the Stomach, not just the whole Stomach.
Maybe it’s not a physiological thing, maybe it’s an emotional thing. The Stomach relates to sympathy and empathy. If I look at that in relation to the emotions of the Gallbladder which are anger and rage, now I can ask the person, “How does sympathy and empathy relate to anger and rage for you?” You might get a completely different story, like “I’m always taking care of everybody else, but then, when I need something, who pays attention to me? No-one’s ever around for me and it really ticks me off!” So, you get a deeper story out of it than if it was just the one emotion.

AC: So what I’m hearing you say is that being able to look at the muscle test and meridians in this way allows you to integrate more information and see the relationships that give structure and form to the answers you get with your muscle tests, so you know more specifically what’s going on. Can you use this to integrate modalities as well and to put them together in an interesting way?

AL: Absolutely. When you get around to the balancing part, anything that’s meridian based can be applied holographically as well. For example, in TFH, the first thing we might do is rub a Neuro-Lymphatic Reflex (NL), but now, we would be rubbing the Stomach NL and the Gallbladder NL at the same time., telling the body, ‘this is the relationship that we’re looking at’. And it sends the healing information to that specific relationship, so it’s much more focused, yet at the same time, addressing the whole, so it’s incredibly efficient. Often you need to do less in order to achieve full body balance. Once you have established this relationship, anything you do: physical, nutritional, emotional or energetic, is addressing the relationship you’ve set up.
The Chinese were into this whole idea of the hologram thousands of years ago. The command points, which are the points that are used in the Acupressure Holding Points technique in TFH, are the points within each meridian that relate that meridian to each of the other elements. Right there, there’s a relationship – everything connects to everything. So you can use the command points to access the hologram. We can use the example of the Stomach-Gallbladder again, I would simply go to the Wood element point on the Stomach meridian and hold those points bilaterally. So that would be ST 43 and you are automatically connecting those meridians up and it’s incredibly powerful.
This relates back to the interconnectedness of all things and there are many representations of that within the body, such as the Living Matrix; the connective tissue that connects down into every cell in the body, and to my thinking, as below, so above (to reverse the usual way of looking at that!). So if the living matrix connects down into the deepest level of every cell of the body, then there is also a mechanism in which it connects out of the body and into your etheric web which is the metaphysical structure of the body, and goes out from there and that’s one mechanism of the relationship of all things.

AC: The little bit that I understand about HeartMath seems to link into those concepts as well – does HeartMath also get into those ideas of the ‘bigger picture’ hologram?

AL: It’s not so much from the holographic aspect of things, but it acknowledges that the heart is the largest generator of electromagnetic field in the body. The planet Earth itself is a giant magnet. It has this big iron core and it actually generates an electromagnetic field that extends hundreds of miles out into space. And that’s a good thing as it protects us from the solar radiation that would otherwise be bombarding the planet – we’d look a lot more like Mars without it. Our hearts, when in a coherent state, resonate with the same frequency as the planet and produce this electromagnetic field which extends several feet and probably more, we just don’t have equipment sensitive enough to measure it yet. That electromagnetic field is a carrier of information. That information is the rhythm of your heart and the rhythm of your heart is reflective of any number of things throughout the body, including, very much so, your emotional state. And so, your emotional state is affecting the rhythm of your heart and being carried out into and affecting the field of the planet. Becoming yet another representation of the interconnectedness of all things. HeartMath is actually doing some research right now on trees and the interface between humans and trees and the effects of that and how trees communicate with each other and all of that fascinating stuff.

AC: Are there any resources, books, that you would suggest for people who are interested in the idea of holograms? Other than, of course, taking a class?

AL: The classic is a book called ‘The Holographic Universe’, by Michael Talbot. The first third of that book is probably the easiest to understand explanation of quantum physics that I’ve ever seen. It’s a little dated, but it’s all the original stuff which is still very valid. Michael Talbot was basically a B-movie script writer and wrote odd books and science fiction, and then suddenly came out with three different books on the nature of the universe from a quantum physics perspective. ‘The Holographic Universe’ is the leading one of those and is a great resource for this kind of stuff. And he looks at how this can be applied in any number of realms, including the healing arts.
Lately I’ve been reading books by Joseph Hilton Pierce, which are all pretty interesting and extend to HeartMath, but also other philosophical backgrounds and concepts that very much speak to the holographic nature of things.

AC: Any final thoughts for today on this subject of muscle testing, the holographic model, and being able to see things from another level that you’d like to leave people with?

AL: I think it’s really important – I’ve been using it for a long time and I’ve taken thousands of hours of kinesiology workshops and this is the one that I use the most. It’s an open system that lets you integrate everything else you learn. When you apply a holographic model you get more efficient results and more information and it just addresses things on a whole different level, not just addressing the specifics, but the whole of that individual and beyond, which is a big piece that isn’t really fully understood. My hope is that, by helping people to really understand it, in a deeper way, that will help kinesiology grow as a mode of working. We need to learn, not just to do kinesiology, but to think it and understand it, because when you do that, it allows you to focus your intent in a way that deepens the results you get.

AC: I couldn’t agree more.

Adam Lehman, T.N.P. (Traditional Naturopathic Practitioner), En.K. (Energy Kinesiologist), currently resides in Petaluma, California. He is the Founder/Director of the North Bay Center of BioEnergetic Health, a private Wellness Consulting practice located in Sonoma, California, and the Institute of BioEnergetic Arts & Sciences. The Institute is the educational part of the center, offering self-help and professional training workshops based on Energy Kinesiology (muscle testing) and HeartMath emotional self-regulation and coherence methods. Read the issue in its’ entirety here:

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