Muscle Test

Multifidus Lumbar

Hand MonitoringAbove the ankle of the leg of the side being tested. Hand StabilizingOn the hip of the opposite side being tested. Monitoring DirectionAdduct the legs. Note

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Longus Colli

Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionTest an Indicator Muscle while touching with a Therapy Localization/Location (TL) the belly of the Muscle. Note

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Scalenus Medius

Hand Monitoring On the temporal region of the head.  Hand Stabilizing Over the same shoulder of where the head is turned. Monitoring DirectionCoronally extend head on neck. Note

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Longus Capitis

Hand MonitoringWith lateral aspect of hand on maxillary and frontal bones. Hand StabilizingControlateral shoulder. Monitoring DirectionExtend head on neck, through sagittal plane. Note

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Scalenus Anterior

Hand MonitoringOn the temporal region of the head. Hand StabilizingOver the same shoulder of where the head is turned. Monitoring DirectionObliquely posterior direction. Note

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Scalenus Posterior

Hand MonitoringOn posterior temporal area of the head. Hand StabilizingContralateral shoulder. Monitoring DirectionCoronally extend head on neck. Note

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Abdominal Transverse

Hand MonitoringOn the lateral aspect of the shoulder (over the deltoid muscle).Hand StabilizingOn the knees.Monitoring DirectionFrom a shoulder to the opposite one to bend the torso.Note

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TL Test

Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionNoteDuring a maximal contraction of the muscle Therapy Localization/Location (TL) its belly and test an Indicator Muscle (IM). If you are testing a...

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Surrogate Muscle Test

Hand MonitoringHand StabilizingMonitoring DirectionNoteThis muscle cannot be tested directly or with TL testing.To test it use Surrogate Muscle Testing.

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Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Hand Monitoring On  the dorsum of the hand, along the fifth metacarpal bone. Hand Stabilizing The forearm rests on the table for support or is supported by the  KInesiologist. Monitoring...

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Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

Hand Monitoring On  the dorsum of the hand, along the second and third metacarpal bones . Hand Stabilizing The forearm rests on the table for support or is supported by the  KInesiologist....

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Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Hand Monitoring Against the dorsum of the hand, along the second and third metacarpal bones . Hand Stabilizing The forearm rests on the table for support or is supported by the  KInesiologist....

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