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Gut-Brain Axis – Collaborative Course


After the huge success of the ‘Stress and the Immune System’ conference held in May 2020, Knowlative created another groundbreaking program for the muscle response testing community: The collaborative course.

This course is centered around the enteric system and gut health, bringing new research and techniques to participants. This is an exciting subject where the research has been exploding in the past couple of years! We now understand that the gut-brain axis influences body chemistry and hormones, psychology, mental acuity and more.

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With the ticket you get:

  • All latest techniques to work on Gut-Brain Axis
  • Access to the complete course in English, Russian and Italian
  • 4 lessons of 3 hours each + 3 practical demonstrations and a round table with the teachers
  • All documents, videos, manual and competence test + certificate (via Knowlative, even with a FREE account) accessible for 12 months
  • PDF manual
  • Competence test and certificate
  • 3 months of PRO Knowlative access with Access Key

This course is taught by  different instructors, moving from the foundational aspects of formatting the anatomy and physiology to chemistry, to Traditional Chinese Medicine and the emotional/psychological aspects. At the end of each day you can find a protocol demonstrated for students to observe and begin to practice. Day 3 is a half day with a practical demonstration and integration of all techniques as well as a panel discussion with all of the instructors.

Lesson 1: Ian Stubbings (SIPS): “Gut-Brain Axis Anatomy, Physiology and Formatting”

Lesson 2: Marco Rado (Integrated Physiology): “Gut-Brain in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Structural Gut Work”

Lesson 3: Chris Astill-Smith (Applied Kinesiology and Functional Biochemistry): “Biochemistry of Gut-Brain, Epigenetics and Cranial Nerves”

Lesson 4: Alexis Costello (GEMS): “Emotions and Personality related to Gut-Brain Axis”

Manual: 300+ pages pdf document, full coloured pictures, detailed references. Includes an anatomy and physiology section.

Competence Certificate: After completing the course, you can take a competence test and download your certificate.

The course is actually available in English, but form February 2021 you will have also access to all videos and manual also in Russian and Italian (with the same ticket).

See here for more information on the conference here

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