Specialized / Energetic Kinesiology (SK / EK)

May 29, 2022 | Vocabulary

Specialized or Energetic Kinesiology are terms used to describe the techniques and modalties that stem from John Thie’s creation of Touch for Health (John Thie D.C.). TFH was created when Thie wanted a way of explaining balancing techniques to laypeople and making them available in a simple form to everyone. No previous training is required to take these classes and often people study them simply as a way of enhancing their own health or working with their families and not with the intention of working with clients. Those using these balancing techniques with others need to be aware of their use of terminology as using words like ‘patient’, ‘clinic’ or ‘prescribe’ constitutes ‘practicing medicine without a license.’ The first Touch for Health manual was published in 1973 in the United States.

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