Ian Stubbings

Mag 24, 2022 | Author

Ian Stubbings is the creator of the Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS) of kinesiology.  He believed strongly that the meridian system and acupoints were being underutilized in Specialized Kinesiology systems; that there is a huge amount of information available simply by making contact with an acupoint and that it would be extremely beneficial to practitioners to be able to put all of that information into circuit in a succinct way. Ian’s background is not in sciences, he went to school for business and was working for his family’s shipping company in Australia when his son’s learning difficulty brought him to Charles Kreb’s door and began his journey. Ian took courses in Applied Physiology before beginning the research that would form the basics of the SIPS workshops.

E ach level of SIPS correlates to a specific chakra and a layer of the auric field, following the model conceived by Barbara Ann Brennan. So we start at level one, with the etheric layer of the body, which penetrates our physical body and extends slightly outward and relates to the root chakra. In this level, we find points relating to muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood, lymph and other aspects of our physiology, as well as working with 21 muscles to balance the knee joint. In level 2 we move up to the sacral chakra and the lower emotional body, which encompasses stress as experienced through feelings, attitudes, and emotions, and we study the triune brain and how emotions are processed in each part. Each level moves further up the chakras and out through the auric layers until we are working with the upper mental layer and crown chakra in level 7, which is concerned with the universal mind and how we plug into that, glial cells and how they form the nervetronic system.  

The SIPS syllabus now includes levels 0-8, 0 working with the fundamental level of the cells, especially with nutrition and toxicity and how they affect the cells, and level 8 discussing our connection to the universe, as well as 4 accompanying classes, BAP, Bio, Reflex and H2O. 

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