Muscles of the Leg

Mag 11, 2022 | Group

The leg muscles have some similarities with those of the forearm: they are divided into three regions (anterior, lateral and posterior) and all but the Popliteus reach the foot with elongated tendons. However, they are less numerous than those of the forearm (for example, the pronator and supinator muscles are missing, as the tibiofibular joints are not able to perform these movements) and are all innervated by the terminal branches of the ischial nerve.

  • Anterior muscles: include the Tibialis Anterior, the Extensor Digitorum Longus – Foot, the Extensor Hallucis Longus and the Peroneus Tertius.
  • Lateral muscles: they consist of the two peroneal muscles, Peroneus Longus (Fibularis Longus) and Peroneus Brevis (Fibularis Brevis).
  • Posterior muscles: in the superficial layer are the Triceps Surae (Calf muscle) and the Plantaris, in the deep layer the Popliteus, the Flexor Digitorum Longus – Foot, the Flexor Hallucis Longus and the Tibialis Posterior.

The medial surface of the tibia is not covered by muscles and is subcutaneous.

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