
Nutrition Masterclass




Dear Muscle Tester,

Are you ready to revolutionize your practice and deepen your impact on clients’ lives?

Join us for the Human Nutrition for Muscle Response Testers Masterclass, a transformative three-day online event from November 15-17, 2024, crafted exclusively for professionals like you.

This is what Dr. Feletto says about this Masterclass

“Why This Masterclass?

Working with muscle testing we all know that you can have a different muslce test result on the same client according to who is performing the test. And this is not because muscle reponse test si not a reliable tool. This happens because the “best possible answer” that the muscle gives is crafted with the knowledge present in that moment in the system. And the sistem is everyone involved in the test.

While you cannot change the knowledge of your client, you can improve yours so that the “best possible answer” is much more precise and accurate.

Besides, the more real and practical is your knowledge, the more the answer will be practical and impactful.

We all have a Divine part of our being that can in theory heal with pure intention, this ability is only attainable if you are fully enlighted. If you reached that goal, this masterclass is not for you (actually I would be glad to come to your masterclass). Otherwise, we all need to know as much as possible the aspect we are testing to be able to have meaningful results.

Adding every course a new protocol, in my experience and opinion, is good only if it provides you with detailed practical information and real experience with clients/patients. Includint the new concepts into a simple and personalised protocol is, thus, even better.

For these reason, I’ll be presenting the real protocol I have been using in my successful practice in the last years where all the theories I learned over the last 20 years met the real world of patients in 2 different cultures.

Why just nutrition and not other aspects of the system?

All the information we gather through muscle response testing serves a single purpose: to help the other person make a positive change. Whether it’s because they are suffering from the symptoms of a disease, an emotional issue, or a problem with how their life is organized, our support should aim to:

  • Help the person remove obstacles to their improvement goals.
  • Provide them with sufficient resources to make the change.

Just as in physics, when we need to transition from one state of matter to another (like melting ice to create liquid water or turning water into steam), the change requires more energy to occur, or else the process stalls. Similarly, in our lives, if we want to improve something and change our “state,” we need extra energy to make the change happen.

This extra energy can be “obtained” by:

  • Increasing the system’s resources.
  • Removing obstacles to change, thus lowering the “cost” to reach the new state.

In my experience I noticed that increasing the system’s resources is the fastest way, can be done at home by the client, and improves also the enery available for any other correction.”

Led by Dr. Ludovico Feletto, a pioneer in integrating orthopedic and complementary therapies, this masterclass unveils a simple yet profound protocol to amplify the resources available to your clients through scientifically proven aspects of human nutrition.

What You Will Learn:

  • Deep Dive into Human Nutrition: Understand the basics an the lesser-known yet critical elements of nutrition that can significantly boost your practice.
  • Practical Muscle Response Testing: Enhance your skills with hands-on practices, focusing on real-life applications and outcomes.
  • Lifetime Access: Receive access to the videos and a hyperlinked manual via Knowlative WebApp, providing ongoing resources to refine your technique.


Exclusive Learning from an Expert: Dr. Feletto, an MD with extensive training in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Muscle Response Testing, and founder of Knowlative, brings over 20 years of clinical experience to this masterclass. His integrated approach in preventive orthopedics and muscle response testing has transformed many lives across Europe.

Special Offer for Unwinding Traumas Conference Attendees

As a valued participant of Knowlative 5th conference, we’re thrilled to offer you this course at an exclusive price of €487, down from €729.

This offer includes:

  • Live online access to the course
  • Six months of playback access
  • PDF and hyperlinked manuals

And all is under our 100%+ guarantee!
If, at the end of the 1st day of course, you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will refund 100% of your ticket and five you an extra 50 Euro voucher for Knowlative shop for the inconvenience.

Reserve Your Spot Now!

Don’t miss this one-time opportunity to elevate your capabilities and transform your practice.

Empower your practice with the knowledge and techniques that have stood the test of time and patient success.

Warm regards,

Knowlative Team