Triune Brain Balance for Emotional Stress

Mag 25, 2022 | Technique

Paul D. MacLean, a physician and neuroscientist from New York, is credited with the idea of the triune brain. The idea is that the reptilian, limbic and neocortex regions of the brain all have specific jobs to do. All three handle emotional stress, but they do so in different ways: the reptilian brain working with instinctive reactions and sending the emotional messages to the rest of the body via the CNS,  the limbic system housing the amygdala and playing a large role in emotional processing and narrative including memory, and the neocortex as the part of the brain that can think about feelings, have feelings about feelings and moderate behaviour. (This is an oversimplification, the full presentation relating to this will be available here after this year's conferences.) This technique is designed to help identify stuck emotional stress within the triune brain and combines the Indicator Muscle (IM) from the Extraordinary Meridians of the CV (Conception Vessel – Ren Mai) and GV (Governing Vessel – Du Mai) (as per Wellness Kinesiology) with the intensity of emotion and what stage of stress is being experienced as per Hans Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome and Muscle Testing (GAS). 

Start as always, with permissions, prechecks and putting your goal into circuit (PL).

  • Enter Organ Mode x CV 24 (Container of Fluids) and Emotional Mode into circuit – PL
  • Check indicator muscles for CV and GV (CV: Supraspinatus EK version, Anterior Deltoid EK version, Pectoralis Major – Sternal Head tendon / GV: Teres Major Prone/Sitting/Standing, Upper Trapezius)* – PL IC
  • Find the indicated emotion and scan for intensity (emotions exist on a spectrum, so the frequency of 'anger' can be subtle as in 'frustration', or intense as in 'rage')  – PL IC
  • Check for which aspect of the triune brain is stuck, either with a physical challenge by making contact with the base, side and front of the skull or by verbally challenging – add into circuit
  • GAS verbal challenge: Alarm? Resistance? Exhaustion? – PL IC
  • Correction: hold a small flashlight against pineal point (third eye, just above the bridge of the nose, also know as GV 24.5) while the client thinks about the stuck emotion – continue until you get an IC. Hold light against the pineal point while they infuse the positive emotion or affirmation – continue until you get an IC
  • Recheck muscles and emotions 
  • Permission to close circuit

*There are more indicator muscles for these two meridians included in Wellness Kinesiology – these ones were selected for ease of testing with a standing client and familiarity for Touch for Health students

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