Knowy is the author that writes all the Knowlative base knowledge. You can find her as an author also inside the Knowlative Database. She represents the spirit of Knowlative. Since the root of Knowlative is Sharing, all contents published by Knowy are released under Copyright Licence CC BY SA:
CC means that the content is published under a Creative Commons licence, the two following symbols specify the kind of use of the source that is allowed;
BY (Attribution): it means that you must cite Knowlative as a source when using the source document, but not in a way that suggest that Knowlative endorse your use;
SA (Share Alike): it means that Knowlative let you copy, distribute, display, perform, and modify our work, as long as you distribute any modified work on the same terms. If you want to distribute modified works under other terms, they must get Knowlative permission first.
In other words, if you chose to copy or modify one of the techniques published by Knowy inside Knowlative and include it to your work you are not violating any copyright provided that you redistribute your work under the same Creative Common License. This means that everyone can use it and modify it citing you as a source and redistributing it for free (under the same license).