
Platinum Tier Package – Diverse Engagement & In-Person Presence



1 × Your Logo in the conference wallpaper

Forge connections both digitally and in person with our Platinum Tier package, blending digital engagement with a physical presence.

Offer ends on February 10th, 2024.


Forge connections both digitally and in person with our Platinum Tier package, blending digital engagement with a physical presence:

  • Exposition Booth (In-Person): Make a lasting impression with an on-site presence, engaging attendees face-to-face.
  • Virtual Table Access: Extend your reach and connect with a wider audience in the virtual space.
  • Conference Page Logo Exposure: Secure prominent visibility on our conference pages for an expansive reach.
  • Logo Wall Inclusion: Cement your brand’s presence by being featured on our iconic logo wall.
  • Half-Page Journal Advertisement: Optimize engagement and visibility with a comprehensive journal ad.

Additionally, you have the exclusive opportunity to become a Knowlative Affiliate. Join as an affiliate to not only amplify your brand but also benefit from a revenue share on purchases made by your contacts while offering them an enticing 10% discount.

Unlock unparalleled visibility, engagement, and networking opportunities with our tiered sponsorship packages tailored to meet your brand’s needs and goals at the “Unwinding Trauma” conference.