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Biofeedback Essentials – Teacher’s Course


Первоначальная цена составляла 299,00€.Текущая цена: 199,00€.

Learn how to teach CK intro course and to offer to your clients and students an immediate upgrade in their lives!

JUNE 9th, 2024 – 9:00 – 18:00 WEST 

To participate to this course, you need to have successfully passed the CK intro course evaluation.

This course explains you how to teach the CK introductory course and explains the Knowlative method of collaborative muscle response testing.

With this course you can become a CK intro course authorised teacher!

Категории: , Метка:


Add a real intro course to your offer as a teacher in just 1 day of training!

Prerequisite: Biofeedback Essentials proficiency (the proficiency test is included in the Biofeedback Essentials course).


  • PDF manual
  • Access to the hypermanual and all related contents and insight inside Knowlative App for 1 year! (forever while you are PRO)
  • 1 day of live lessons online
  • Flyers and strategies on how to promote Biofeedback Essentials course
  • Authorisation to teach Biofeedback Essentials (if you meet the criteria below)

JUNE 9th, 2024 – 9:00 – 18:00 WEST 

Learn how to teach CK intro course and to offer to your clients and students an immediate upgrade in their lives!

To participate to this course, you need to have successfully passed the CK intro course evaluation.

This course explains you how to teach the CK introductory course and explains the Knowlative method of collaborative muscle response testing.

To be authorized as a teacher of the intro course, besides participating to this course, you need to have at least 65 hours of muscle response testing courses in your curriculum and to pass the proficiency test.

With this course you can become a CK intro course authorized teacher!

Includes: access to the CK intro course area and to the teacher’s area with all updates for 1 year (forever while you have a PRO account).


Teacher: Dr. Ludovico Feletto

Dr. Feletto dedicated the last 20 years to integrative medicine. He is the director of Knowlative. Muscle response testing teacher, international speaker, he works in his private practice both in Spain and in Italy. He thinks that the future of medicine is the integration of different systems and a personalized approach for each human being supported by data and real science.