You can use Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to check a sentence or a list of words. When testing a sentence with an indicator muscle, the answer is provided by the unconscious “bio-computer” of the person being tested. There are 2 general applications of the testing of a word or sentence with Muscle Response Testing (MRT):

  • Detecting the truth or falsehood of a sentence in a setting: in this case, the “question” we are posing is “Is this sentence true?” and we perform a Binary Testing where the muscle “answers” Yes (balanced) and No (unbalanced, Hypotonic Muscle) 
  • Detecting in a list of possibilities the ones that are best for the setting: in this case, the question normally is something like “Which of the following is appropriate to the situation?” and the muscle unbalances in appropriate items of the list (Hypotonic Muscle).

Detect the truth or falsehood of a sentence Many kinesiology modalities use the Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to detect whether a sentence is true or false for the person in that particular moment. When testing for truth normally a balanced Indicator Muscle (IM) is used. If the sentence is true the Indicator Muscle (IM) remains balanced, otherwise it becomes inhibited. Remember to check if it is overfacilitated or underinhibited. The possibility to detect a lie testing an indicator muscle has been demonstrated in a series of studies by Dr. Anne M. Jensen. For this reason, the use of Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to distinguish false from true statements is one of the few applications of Muscle Response Testing (MRT) that is validated. The answer must normally be interpreted in the “setting” where the question is asked. Generally, the system “normal” functioning is the best possible “ecologic” answer for the whole system of the person being tested and not the “rational” solution.
Detect the best possible items in a list Another largely used application of Yes and No questioning is when you have to pick the best fitting possibility in a list of items (emotions, tests, remedies, foods, colors, …). Normally a balanced Indicator Muscle is used and all the items of the list that unbalance it are appropriate. Pay attention to detect overfacilitaded and underinibited muscles and remember to check for Priority if more than one item is appropriate.