In Sanskrit chakra means ‘disk’ or ‘wheel’, which is how the chakras often appear to clairvoyants. Chakras are viewed as subtle energy centres linking different parts of the subtle energy system together. Some kinesiologies make little use of the concept of chakras, whereas others (such as Optimum Health Balance) make extensive use of them.
Most writers in this field believe that there are seven major chakras: the base chakra, the abdominal chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the brow or third eye chakra and the crown chakra. There are also many minor chakras, known as nadis. Each chakra is seen as having particular characteristics (such as emotional qualities, colour, sound, and so on) associated with it. Each chakra is also linked to a particular organ of the endocrine system. So, for instance, the throat chakra is related to the thyroid gland (located in the throat) and is associated with the emotions of shyness and paranoia. The brow chakra is associated with the pituitary gland (the master gland of the hormonal system) and with the emotions of anger and rage. Chakras also have other qualities, so, for example, the brow chakra is also associated with intuition.